Have you ever received good advice that you were unable to follow? Has your doctor ever recommended a lifestyle change that you found to be unsustainable? Have you ever wanted something in your life, but found you couldn’t achieve it alone? Health Coach Jaye can help!
Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coaches are knowledgeable advisors who provide ongoing support and guidance as you set goals and make sustainable changes that improve your health and happiness. As your 24/7 Health Coach, I listen carefully and help you to navigate the world of contradictory nutrition advice to determine what changes are necessary for you. Your personalized and individualized program will help you create an empowered mind, body and soul approach to your health and wellness. Together, we will explore concerns specific to you and your body and discover the tools you need for a lifetime of sustained health and wellness. This includes discovering the types of foods that work for your particular body so you never have to diet again! My program is NOT A DIET! Diets don't work!
My clients have lost anywhere from (5 to 70 pounds) depending on their goals, and have kept the weight off for years because my program is a complete mind, body and soul approach. I describe my program as a bicycle, I am the training wheels offering 24/7 support to teach you the skills and food choices needed so that you can ride for life without ever having to diet again.
As a client of my health coaching program, you will…
set and accomplish goals in a way that is empowering and exciting
work to achieve and maintain your ideal weight
understand and reduce your sugar and carb cravings
increase your energy levels
feel great in your body
learn about new foods and how you can easily incorporate them
improve your personal relationships
discover the confidence to create the life you want
Health Coach Jaye's No Hunger Sugar Detox
Health Coach Jaye's Proprietary No Hunger Sugar Detox (includes an in depth health history consultation and 2 Week No Hunger Sugar Detox plus a follow up consultation. Low glycemic, gluten-free whole foods help reduce inflammation, balance insulin and curb sugar cravings. Clients have lost up to 10 pounds in 2 weeks and pant sizes without being hungry.
Aisle by Aisle Low Glycemic, Gluten-Free Whole Foods Tour To Teach You To Shop For Life
Aisle by aisle grocery store tour of Whole Foods with corresponding shopping list comprised of low glycemic, gluten-free, antibiotic free, no growth hormone meat & poultry, low mercury fish and organic fruit and vegetable guide. Upon completing this tour you will know how to shop for the rest of your life!
Child, Teen, Adult or Corporate Wellness: 2 Week, 6 Week, 3 Month & 6 Month Programs Include...
Health Coach Jaye's Proprietary No Hunger Sugar Detox (includes an in depth health history consultation and 2 Week No Hunger Sugar Detox plus a follow up consultation. Low glycemic, gluten-free whole foods help reduce inflammation, balance insulin and curb sugar cravings. Clients have lost up to 10 pounds and sizes without being hungry.
Personalized nutrition coaching where Health Coach Jaye figures out exactly what foods work for your individual body so you never have to diet again. Clients have lost anywhere from 5 to 70 pounds, depending on their goals, and have kept the weight off for years.
Optional aisle by aisle grocery store tour with corresponding shopping list comprised of low glycemic, gluten-free, antibiotic free, no growth hormone meat & poultry, low mercury fish and organic fruit and vegetable guide. Upon completing this tour you will know how to shop for the rest of your life. (Can be purchased separately or part of health coaching package).
Recipes that are healthy and simple to prepare
24/7 coaching and support to help you make the dietary and lifestyle changes you want
List of healthy alternatives to order at a variety of restaurants
Optional healthy cooking class
Simple but informative handouts that will increase your nutrition knowledge
Access to Health Coach Jaye's newsletters with the latest health tips and recipes
24/7 E-mail and text support between sessions
Health Coach Jaye's personal commitment to your health and success
Thyroid and/or PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) Support
All of Health Coach Jaye's thyroid and PCOS clients must be under the care of a physician. Health Coach Jaye refers to and consults with renowned endocrinologists and physicians throughout the country and world in order to collaborate with them on clients care. If you do not have a physician or endocrinologist she can help refer one. As additional support, Jaye has gone with clients to the highly respected endocrinologists she recommends.
​Health Coach Jaye's 2 Week No Hunger Sugar Detox where I help reset your metabolism and eliminate sugar cravings. Clients have lost up to 10 pounds in 2 weeks without being hungry.
Learn which foods support your thyroid and PCOS health and which foods hinder these disorders
Healthy and realistic weight loss plans and goals for those with hypothyroidism & PCOS
Recommendations of books and online materials
Shopping store tour and shopping list to learn what gluten-free, low glycemic, antibiotic free foods support your thyroid
Relaxation techniques that will help you cope with the stresses of your thyroid disorder
You will be empowered with knowledge about thyroid issues and PCOS so that you are an educated patient advocate able to receive optimal care from your physician
Girl Empowerment Coaching
Coaching teenage girls and college students with the goal to make them so empowered and confident that they can't be messed with! I am sick of girls feeling less than because of their weight, broken hearts over the wrong person, not feeling adequate in math and science and codependent relationships. Enough! Girl Power now!
Women Empowerment Coaching
Many of the women I have worked with are leaders in industries across the spectrum. We not only discuss health and wellness but mindset, body image, passionate purpose + meaning = JOY coaching where each client finds and develops their "why." Many have formed businesses based on these passions.